Gaelscoil Philib Barún

AIfreann Chuimhneacháin do Áine Cholbéir|Anniversary Mass for Áine Colbert

Beidh aifreann cuimhneachán Aine Cholbéir sa scoil ar an Aoine, 18ú Deireadh Fómhair 2019, ag 11:00 sa halla. Tar éis an aifrinn nochtfar cathaoir na gcarad i gcuimhne Áine. Tá seo cruthaithe ag John Hayes agus coimisiúnaithe ag pobal na scoile. A mass in memory of Áine Colbert on her first anniversary will be held in the school hall on Friday, 18 October 2019 at 11:00 am. There will be limited room for parents to attend if they wish. A buddy bench in memory of Áine will be unveiled after the mass. This bench, designed and created by John Hayes has been commissioned by the school community and the Naíonra.