If you need to add a new user (and group) to a Solaris system but do not have a graphical display attached to it then you will have to add the user from the command-line. Since home directories for users on Solaris are traditionally stored in /home then you would expect to be able to add the new user as follows:
# groupadd somegroup
# useradd -g somegroup -d /home/someuser -m someuser
# chown someuser:somegroup /home/someuser
# passwd someuser ... and assign a valid password
However, if your Solaris system is using the Automounter, then the /home directory will actually be under the control of the automounter and you will not have the permissions to create the directory there. Instead, you must create it in /export/home and tell the automounter about it, as follows:
# groupadd somegroup
# useradd -g somegroup -d /export/home/someuser -m someuser
# chown someuser:somegroup /export/home/someuser
# passwd someuser ... and assign a valid password
# vi /etc/auto_home ... and add the following line (after the +auto_home line)
You should now be able to log in as the new user.
hi geeks i just downloaded solaris 10 from suns mirrors i have the six cds first 5 and the sixth one my pc is an ibm netvista 20gb space 128mb ram and 1.5ghz clock 133mhz bus speed of course with a cd rom drive and windows xp loaded with no partition.If i go ahead and boot from cd with the first cd will my xp be at risk as they say linux frustrates windows? and approximately how long will it take to complete installation also will i be able to view windows file systems in solaris and vice versa? thanks guys waiting for ur replies before i change my boot sequence to start from cd
hi once again i got this knoppix 50mb linux dsl operating system that boots from cd directly but its technical coz i cant view my local drives and the cd and floppy how can this be sorted out because im thinking of installing ubuntu 6.06 on a partition but it couldnt run live with my 128mb ram is this normal?
I can tell you that a *full* installation of Solaris will take approximately 5GB of disk space and around 1-2 hours to install (if you are installing from CDs).
Depending on what you wish to do with Solaris, I’m not entirely sure that your system would be suitable though.
You should direct your other questions to one of the Open Solaris forums at http://www.opensolaris.org/os/discussions