Hubble’s Amazing Ultra Deep Field Journey

Even if you have no interest in astronomy, this video is worth viewing. It describes (and shows in 3D) an incredible series of photographic experiments by the team behind the Hubble Telescope that reveal over 10,000 galaxies in the deepest area of space ever photographed, an area they are now calling the “Hubble Ultra Deep Field”. It makes for truly fascinating, and yet extremely humbling viewing.

Source: Gizmodo via Life, is grand

Flickr Tag Galaxy

If you are fan of the Flickr photo sharing website, then you will enjoy Tag Galaxy. When you visit the site, just enter a tag (i.e. keyword, town, city, item) and it will show draw you an interactive galaxy representing related photos from the Flickr website. Here’s the galaxy for my home town of Tramore, Ireland:

Tag Galaxy - Tramore

You can then click on any one of the stars/planets/moons shown and it will draw a globe using the pictures from the associated tag. Here’s the globe for my home town:

Tag Galaxy - Tramore Globe

Source: Joe Cashin