Flickr Account Reviews

I recently created an account on the Flickr photography website for a friend and uploaded a couple of their pictures (3 to be precise) to get them started. I tagged each picture appropriately but found that they were not coming through on the RSS feed for that tag (something which I use Flickr for quite extensively).

After some searching, I found out (via a Flickr Forum Article) that:

  1. All new Flickr accounts must be reviewed before being accessible via the Flickr RSS feeds
  2. In order for a new account to be reviewed, you must have uploaded at least 5 public photos.

Since I had only uploaded 3 photos initially, this looks like the chief suspect for the behaviour that I’m seeing. I’ve uploaded some more now so will post back if/when the issue is resolved.

Flickr Tag Galaxy

If you are fan of the Flickr photo sharing website, then you will enjoy Tag Galaxy. When you visit the site, just enter a tag (i.e. keyword, town, city, item) and it will show draw you an interactive galaxy representing related photos from the Flickr website. Here’s the galaxy for my home town of Tramore, Ireland:

Tag Galaxy - Tramore

You can then click on any one of the stars/planets/moons shown and it will draw a globe using the pictures from the associated tag. Here’s the globe for my home town:

Tag Galaxy - Tramore Globe

Source: Joe Cashin