Internet Marketing piece on Today FM’s Last Word

There was brief, non-technical discussion on Internet Marketing on The Last Word programme on Ireland’s Today FM radio yesterday. They do pieces like this from time to time and they’re generally quite informative to the uninitiated listener.

This discussion was targeted at those whose core business is marketing and selling via the Internet and how to understand (and possibly improve) the search ranking being achieved by your website.

The interview starts at around 31 minutes into the Podcast of Thursday’s Last Word radio programme.

The Long Way Down

Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman recently completed another motor cycling adventure that took them from the northern-most tip of Scotland, John O’Groats down the the southern-most tip of Africa, Cape Agulhas. The highlights from their journey, the Long Way Down, are being broadcast on BBC Two (six episodes I believe), commencing October 28th 2007.

I am looking forward to this as I really enjoyed watching their first adventure, the Long Way Round (on DVD as it happens) where they circumnavigated the world (London to New York via Asia) using a similar mode of transport.

I also caught the end of an interview with Charley Boorman on Ireland’s Today FM last night, which I think made for great radio listening. You could just feel the passion, excitement and fervour in his voice when describing some of the things they experienced. It’s well worth a listen if you have a few minutes to spare.

His interview starts around 15 minutes (and 30 seconds) into the Podcast of Thursday’s Last Word show.

Aren’t Mothers Great

The mother of a 13-year old girl gives Steve Ballmer from Microsoft an earful about her experiences with Windows Vista, their latest operating system offering.

I especially love how she appeared to got the final word in when, after Ballmer tried to waffle his way around the situation suggesting the Service Pack 1 would address many of the issues she’d seen, she retorted, “Good, I’ll let you come and install it for me!”


Source: SlashDot